We’re so proud of these *Published Authors* at Big Cross!!
Each year, Young Writers Inc. sponsors a national writing contest, and this year’s topic was “Ridiculous Writing.” Students were invited to write funny, silly, ridiculous stories that were no longer than 100 words.
Out of 2,000 entries from across the country, these 8 fourth-graders were chosen to be published in the Ridiculous Writers anthology!!
Brookelle McMullin, Cogan Talbot, Alexis Curl, Rhayven Pierson, Kaylee Smith, Angelo Shorey, Makayla Davis, and Adalynn Laplanche wrote hilarious stories with titles like “Pickle Toothpaste,” “Angry Taco,” and “Purple Cow.”
Principal Debbie Hall generously purchased a copy of the book for each student to have, and they were delivered this past week. Congratulations, Authors!!