Dear Parents and Guardians:
As our school year enters its final stretch, we are making some adjustments to the calendar in the months of May and June. Please note the following updates:
- Friday, May 28, 2021: NO SCHOOL, buildings and offices closed
- Friday, June 18, 2021: SUPERINTENDENT’S CONFERENCE DAY, no school for students, all staff report
- Last week of school:
- Wednesday, June 23: HALF DAY for Grades K-8
- Thursday, June 24: HALF DAY for Grades K-8
- Friday, June 25: HALF DAY for Grades K-8
As a reminder, these are the half day dismissal times for each grade level:
- Kindergarten, Grade 1 = 11:00 a.m.
- Grades 2, 3, + 4 = 11:15 a.m.
- Grades 5 + 6 = 11:15 a.m.
- Grades 7 + 8 = 11:30 a.m.
Grades K-4 and 7-8 students will have the option to take a “grab and go” lunch at dismissal on each of the half days. Because of the half day schedule, students in grades 5-6 will eat lunch at school.
Do you have the district’s Google Calendars on your phone? Be sure to sync the “District Events” calendar **along with** the school calendars you need. They are constantly updated to include the remote/in-person cohort schedules for the HS and MS, the Elementary six-day cycle… plus K-4 half days, holidays, and more. To download one or more school calendars to your phone, tablet, or personal Google calendar, click on the +GoogleCalendar link here: