“Project Connect” unity chains spread message of kindness

composite photo of three groups of students all holding orange paper chains, smiling
Students from Big Cross, Kensington, Jackson Heights show off their “Project Connect” unity chains

Glens Falls elementary students have joined together—figuratively and literally—to make a powerful, united statement against bullying.

Every student at Big Cross, Jackson Heights, and Kensington took part in Project Connect as one of their activities during Bullying Prevention Month in October.

Each child wrote a positive or encouraging anti-bullying message on a strip of orange paper. “The Unity Chain links were comprised of heartfelt student ideas to show friendship and prevent bullying,” said school counselor Jennifer Shaver. The strips were then made into paper chains, with each classroom’s chain being linked to another’s to form a school-wide connected chain that visually represents the power of uniting for a common cause.

“Class chains were joined together during lunches,” said Mrs. Shaver. “Students couldn’t wait to see how far their school’s chain stretched around the cafeteria! The kids seemed excited to unite for a common cause. While writing on the chain links in classrooms, teachers had a chance to discuss what Unity means and highlight strategies to reduce bullying and student aggression.”

The schools also participated in Unity Day on October 23rd, with teachers, staff, and students wearing orange to promote kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.

orange paper chains showing anti-bullyin messages

orange paper chains with anti-bullying messages on them

orange paper chains with anti-bullying messages on them orange paper chains with anti-bullying messages on them