Student Cabinet featured in statewide newspaper

screenshot of the OnBoard newspaper article entitled "School boards use multiple strategies to incorporate student perspectives" and a photo of Student Cabinet members smiling with the Black Bear mascot
NYSSBA’s OnBoard newspaper, May 20, 2024 edition

Our Superintendent’s Student Cabinet was featured in the most recent edition of On Board, the NYS School Boards Association newspaper. From the article:

When the State Education Department decided in November 2022 to require all school districts with Native American mascots to replace them, the student cabinet in the Glens Falls school district swung into action.

The student cabinet is composed of high school students who volunteer to be members. The group led the process of changing the mascot of the 1,900-student district. They gathered input from other students, and community members via workshops and surveys, synthesized and analyzed the data, and conducted multiple votes to choose a new mascot.

Ultimately, they provided the board of education with a draft motion for the board to approve a new mascot and logo. When all was said and done, the district had a new identity—the Black Bears—to replace the outgoing “Indians” moniker.

To read more, view a PDF of the article HERE.