Teacher Appreciation Week: Rebecca Treceno-Ring at Kensington

Glens Falls City School District recognizes national Teacher Appreciation Week by highlighting committed and enthusiastic teachers from every one of our schools each day of the week! Read on for an inside interview with Rebecca Treceno-Ring—one of the most dynamic teachers around our district.

Elementary teacher stands in a group of students raising their hands in a colorful classroom

Mrs. Rebecca Treceno-Ring graduated from Glens Falls High School, and got her undergraduate degree from LeMoyne College. She went on to earn her Masters at The College of St. Rose and has been teaching for 27 years — 25 of those in Glens Falls!

Kensington Principal Jen Hayes says that “if you look up the noun ‘team player’ in the dictionary, you will find a picture of Becky Ring. If there is something that needs to be done, you can always count on her to help out. Becky is a vital part of the KRS school community, active in school clubs, district initiatives, and staff activities.”

What makes your teaching and learning environment unique?
I try to use as much hands-on learning as possible and I also try to make the concepts relate as closely as I can to our everyday lives, so they relate and see a connection. In our class the students can earn “behavior bucks.” This classroom management design allows the students to earn money throughout the week for all the good choices they make and then on Fridays they get to shop and spend the money they earned. They have a shopping guide/flyer that they use to choose from every Friday.

Teacher smiling with students on the classroom rug
Mrs. Rebecca Treceno-Ring teaches 4th grade and is an Intervention Specialist at Kensington Road School.

Why do you think it’s important to teach the way you do?
Every child learns differently and what works for one may not work for the other. Therefore it is so important to teach using different modalities.

Describe your best lesson ever, or one you and students really enjoy.
I would have to say some of my most fun and exciting lessons have been the STEM lessons. It is amazing to watch the students solve and work together. One lesson in particular had the students build a nest with blocks, pipe cleaners, a dixie cup, and marshmallow peeps. The students needed to design and develop a nest that would hold as many peeps as possible and still be standing. To experience the smiles and laughter on their faces is truly a successful lesson to me.

What’s the best thing about GF Nation?
My co-workers, the students, parents, and the whole GF Nation community! My favorite activities have been being the varsity cheer coach, being part of the faculty acts in the school talent shows, and being the teacher of the 21st century after-school program. One of my cheerleaders talked about her experience in her graduation speech last June. To hear what she had to say about me as her coach really made me realize that I truly am making a difference.

Cheerleader coaches smiling with the Black Bear mascot